Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Woo Hoo!

So, after my not so graceful breakdown last week, I am back on track with more ferver than I've had in a long time!! I had a breakdown just like that last time I lost weight and afterwards, I never looked back. I have done so well since then, and enjoyed it. Not like I used to do, where I'd eat healthy but be LONGING for something junk.

I'm already back down 9 pounds. And, I passed my first holiday test! My inlaws did their Thanksgiving on Sunday. I knew they wouldn't provide anything healthy, except the organic turkey they bought just for me (how sweet!). So, I brought a salad, a corn bean thing, and I made a ginger butternut squash pie from scratch. They all went over SO well, and I ate small portions and they were healthy, and I just, I'm so tickled with myself.

I know seeing negative comments about myself isn't fun or cool, but it's what works for me, to get my butt in gear!!


  1. Well done! The holidays can derail even the best plans, but you've sailed through one holiday already with flying colors! :-)

  2. I find your story very interesting. I just found out two days ago that I have PCOS. I was doing some research online and found your youtube video which led me here. My doctor says I have PCOS but I am not insulin resistant. She told me I would need to lose weight in order to improve my PCOS and my chance of a conceiving in the future. I am currently 292 (as of Wednesday) and am slowly getting started on this long road ahead of me. Your story is very encouraging to me. Thanks so much. :)

    Jessica (Michigan)

  3. Thanks for being an inspiration! I have just started on my journey and I found your youtube video. I love stories that are human - you lost weight, you got off track and now you are back on it again.

  4. Hi Rena. I saw your blog on SITS and decided to stop by to say, "hello". It's nice to "meet" you. I wish you all the best in 2010.

    Kindest regards,

  5. Hello! I think what you did to have your baby was amazing... and he is sooo perfect and worth all of your struggles then, and now.
    Lose weight, don't lose weight, I sure do hope you keep blogging. You've been an amazing motivator to myself and I know to others...

    Hope all is well!

  6. Are you following any diet in particular for PCOS?
    Happy 2010!

  7. I ran into your blog on youtube and I want to tell you that I just found out today that I have PCOS. I have spent my entire life overweight. I have done just about every diet you can think of as well as rigorous exercise routines. Which resulted in no weight loss. I'm at my wits end and I wanted to know what did you do? Any and all help appreciated. My email address is skyhawksf@yahoo.com. Thanks so much for opening up your life for others to see. You truly are and inspiration.

  8. Girl...Lovin' both your videos. I was diagnosed at 19, told I'd never have children! Mine little one was the result of my hubby returning from deployment! I'd lost weight too, and it was so I could get preggy! I'm so glad you have such a possitve out look! Take care of that beautiful baby, yourself, and hubby! You are SO BEAUTIFUL for sharing your stuggle, your success, and your body does crazy things when your preggy w/PCOS...I rarely even ate sweets and I gained 150 so girl you did AWESOME!

    I've lost some weight, but no where near where I want to be...Keep on keeping on girl! You can do it!

  9. Hi....I found your blog through the youtube video. I have PCOS and weigh about 185 pounds. Trying to get pregnant for a couple of years now but no luck :( Went the IVF route too but didnt get pregnant. Just came to know last friday that my pregnancy test was negative. After crying for 2 days I have decided to do something about my weight! Chanced upon your video and the good news that you became pregnant after shedding some pounds. Its given me hope and motivation. Thanks for the video. I hope I can lose weight and have a healthy baby soon. Thanks.

  10. Hi Rena,
    I hope you and your beautiful family are doing well. I sent a message to you on myspace before I came to your blog. I understand how busy you are but I would love to hear how you "kicked PCOS' ass". I have had PCOS for about 15 yrs, but wasn't diagnosed until 19. I gave up on doctors because all they ever did was put me on birth control that made me feel absolutely crazy. I am now 30 yrs old and still struggle with PCOS. I now weigh in at about 250lbs. Your story is inspiring and amazing. There are so many of us who have PCOS and sometimes it feels like there is no where to turn and no one to talk to about it. So thank you for having the courage to post your video and tell your story. You can find me at http://willowjana.blogspot.com/.

  11. Hi Rena!
    Like most of your "followers", I found you on youtube while I was doing some PCOS research. I got side tracked and ended up becoming a "follower" too! I am so inspired by your life, it has given me hope again. I have been diagnosed with PCOS for about a year and I joined a study to get pregnant and found out that I have Uterine Polyps too. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant but it's been so emotionally draining with all of the road blocks along the way. I recently started eating better and excercising after I came to the knowledge that PCOS increases your risk of heart desease, diabeties and stroke. I have gained 70 lbs over the last two yrs and I am always looking for inspiration! I hope I can inspire you to get back on track and staying there by your ability to inspire me! Thank you so much for the hope, I really needed it!

  12. Hi there Sebu, I've had PCOS for a long time and if you ever wanna chat (that actually goes for anyone on the blog) please feel free to find me on my blog at http://willowjana.blogspot.com/
    It's nice to have ppl to talk to about it, so the journey doesn't feel quite so alone. Oh and also for those trying to lose weight I tried out the South Beach diet a few years ago and lost almost 30 lbs in like 3 weeks. It was amazing, but with the insulin resistance that comes from this disorder the diet works wonders and I think I'm going to start it again and try to stick with it.

  13. Rena, hope all is well. I haven't seen any new posts from you, so I assume you are busy enjoying that wonderful baby. Hope to see you on again soon. Judging from all the comments there are lots of ppl curious about your journey and want to know more, so I hope you can fill us all in whenever you get back on. Take care

  14. just another curious passerby! Hope all is well with you

  15. Hi, awesome work. Congrats! I just want to know how did you keep going. where did you get the motivation. Cause I'm ready to kick Pcos.

  16. Congrats on the little one. You are an inspiration to everyone that is dealing with PCOS and infertility.
