Thursday, November 19, 2009

Debby Downer Riding the Roller Coaster

So, I am starting to get pretty bummed.

I was actually doing decent on eating right again (cant quite get the exercise down yet, I NEED structured exercise no just walking, videos..and right now my husband is on nights so can't get to the gym. He'll switch to days soon so that should help)

ANYWAYS, so, I think I'm a anomaly. We are struggling BIG time, financially. So much so, that I just had a pack of crackers for breakfast and crossing my fingers for lunch. You would think when there's nothing to eat you'd lose weight, right?! WRONG! We have been going down to the in-laws for dinner all week because they don't want to see us hungry...

Well, my father in law doesn't even know how to cook without deep frying SOMETHING. Plus, I started a postpartum period, so I sorta had that "I don't give a shit, give me some chocolate" attitude.

We get paid tomorrow though and I plan on getting back to eating ok..just to mess it up with T-giving. Bleh. I'm 278 pounds. I have lost 115 in the past, but I'm starting to try and accept that that will never happen, ever, again.

Before I was in a bubble. No husband. No kid. Not in the glutton filled south. It's not going to happen for me again. I just need to hold on to the wonderful memories of how great I felt when I lost my weight before.


  1. Eventually things have to go up. You are an amazing lady with an amazing story!

  2. Rena...

    I'm really not sure what to say to you regarding your blog. I'm going to disregard your negative thoughts and words, and REMIND you that before a wife, or mother or friend, daughter, WHATEVER, you're a woman. A beautiful, smart, very strong woman. You can do this!!! You've totally done it before, and now more than ever you have a better reason to lose that weight and BE HEALTHY!!! YEAH, you lost the weight to have a baby,but have you thought about losing the weight to stay alive as long as possible for him?
    Just from your video, your "after weight loss" pix, you're glowing!!! Your smile is huge!

    Time is going to continue to pass and pass... I'm in the same situation as you... I have PCOS, became pregnant w/ my fiance's baby 4 1/2 years ago and had a miscarriage...We actively tried to get pregnant again since then, with no success. Two years ago, I decided to finally REALLY change my lifestyle... I started at over 333 lbs. and am currently at 254 lbs.

    I still have PCOS, and am aware I have a long way to go, but will fight this battle against myself and my condition. We're still childless but I've come to the point where I don't want a baby who ends up with a fat depressed mother.

    I can be your ear, and we can do this. You're not alone. =)

    Whaddya say?

  3. What a great, motivating comment! :) I guess even the motivator needs motivating sometimes!!

  4. Hi Rena,

    Just came to your blog from another. Sounds like you've got the "want to" to get it going, and I'll believe you're gonna make it.

    I have to say, your "about me" is so funny. LOL

    Be blessed,

  5. Are you kidding me? I know you can do it.
    Just remember how happy you felt when you were at a healthier weight.
    You are beautiful. Thanks for your inspiring blog and videos.
    Good luck!

  6. Your story is very familiar to what I am going through. I have set up a blog on weightloss take a look and I would welcome any content you may want me to add.
    you can find it at
