My husband is in the Navy reserves (after seperating from active duty) and he's got his first ADT (training) in New Jersery.
AND...Corbin and I get to go!! It's only 35 mins from NEW YORK! I am so effing excited!!! Our first family vacation!
And, I want to look SEMI-decent in the pics (i wont be thin, but my face isn't so puffy when I eat right).
Already down a pound!
On another note...
My husband and I share a family bed and practice attatchment parenting and said we'd co-sleep with our son until he was ready to wean himself to his own bed. Well, he would nap in my arms and I would get no housework done. And, lately he wouldn't sleep well in my arms. So, I said you know what, let me try and get him to NAP in his crib and we'll still co-sleep, thinking that my little man wouldn't want to stop co-sleeping until around 6 years old?
My baby boy likes his crib better and has been sleeping in it exclusively for naps AND all night for 3 days :( Lots of people would be happy about this, but I cried my EYES out all night long and was up every 10 mins to make sure he was still breathing (we have the crib in our room, so it's still "technically co-sleeping" just not a family bed)
I mean I was a blubbering idiot. My husband was holding me and comforting me, but it was AWFUL. But, he went from waking up every 2 hours and being VERY fidgety to sleeping 10 hours and only waking up once to eat! *sigh* Does want me to tell the Redneck Fucks in my family that kept telling me "you'll learn." "you gettin' yourself into something you ain't gonna want" "You do that fancy, liberal, co-whatever thang you wanna do, you'll see when he's still in yor bed when he's a teenager" TO FUCK OFF!!! :)
Why did my son have to inherit my independent streak? LOL
That being said, and as sad as I was...
My husband suggests last night. When corbin goes to bed, why don't we take a shower together (we ALWAYS showered together before the baby came). And, then why don't we watch some X-files or star trek? (yes that is sexy to me lol)
I was so excited. He was deployed until 2 months after Corbin was born. And, we still haven't really gotten a chance to TRUELY re-connect, b/c we've been so GO GO GO!
Well, I was already in that hightened-randy-yummy mood b/c I had just watched the other love of my life, Michael Buble on dancing with the stars...
Hold on...I need a moment!!

mmmmm...ok that's done!
Anyways, so we have a very nice shower. (I admittedly hadn't showered in days and the spit up was starting to make a crusty layer, ewwwww)
It felt amazing. So, we come down stairs and I pick up the book I've been reading for a few weeks (The Autobiography of Malcolm X) and Vance turns on the X-flies DVD already in the TV.
I must admit not much reading or t.v. watching got done. He immeadiately starts with the sweet kissing all over my neck and back stuff...and let's just say the stairs in our new house got christened! :)
It was AMAZING! And, helped the grieving process about my not so little baby boy a little..ok alot.
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve XFiles.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on losing weight!