So, I've received some questions from my lurkers who are confused about my blog's name.

Ok, so now that that's settled...

Most people would be MORTIFIED to post pictures like this for the world to see. Well, ya know..it's me. I love me. Hair and all...and really I don't look like this on a daily basis..you can "cover up" the bald spots, and I shave a few times a week. But, I did this to show that even if I didn't, I'm ok with it.
In short "My Feminine 5'O'clock Shadow" ismy take on my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
I am not ashamed of them, and feel just as womanly with beard or sans beard.
"So, Rena, you mean you have like a REAL beard?"
Not exactly. My hair growth on my face is much like the "beard" that that creepy 13 year old in middle school can grow. " It mainly manifests on either side of my chin, under my chin (you know, on that neck flab), the sides and on the point of my jaw bones.
"Well, Rena, you say you're ok with being hairy..I don't believe you from behind your key board."
Well, ya know...drastic, idiotic questions, require drastic, idiotic answers!! :)
I normally shave and tweeze my facial hair. Not out of shame, but truely as a safety precaution, as the hairs are quite prickly!! Seriously though...to answer this question I quit shaving on Tuesday..it is now Thursday (so, basically this is 2 days worth of hair growth).

"What about your "bald spots."
I have male patterned baldness. I admit this is the one that only slightly bothers me. I used to have amazingly full, thick, and curly hair, and when I'd hairflip...angels sang, a soft yellow glow would emit from me, and Fabio would cry out in jealousy!!
I cut my hair a month or so ago for a few reasons. For one, my hair is falling out anyways because of the PCOS, but also because I was post partum. My son learned at a VERY young age how to pull hair, and honestly my hair didn't need help coming out.
It literally was coming out in HANDFULS. So, I chopped it. It's slowed a little with the weightloss, so I'm going to let it grow back out so I can rock a banana clip again.
But, until that time..here are a few examples of my bald spots. (The first picture shows a great example of my "spiral, jaw hair." I tend to see it as a super power..like I'm a Pokemon or something?)
Most people would be MORTIFIED to post pictures like this for the world to see. Well, ya know..it's me. I love me. Hair and all...and really I don't look like this on a daily basis..you can "cover up" the bald spots, and I shave a few times a week. But, I did this to show that even if I didn't, I'm ok with it.
In fact, that is why I named my blog what I did. I still feel like a woman even in these, not so flattering pictures. You may disagree, or think I look horendous (well, I kind of do, but that was the point), but, I personally believe it's because you aren't secure in yourself.
All this being said, I will be shaving the next time Corbin goes down for a nap, and I posted a picture of me to show I'm not all scaggy!! LOL
I <3 you. I think you are so awesome and brave. A lot of the women I know would never ever in a million years post pics like these. Myself included.
ReplyDeleteIn May of 2008 my doctor told me I had PCOS. She didn't explain a frigging thing to me. I've learned more about it from you than her. Isn't that pathetic?
it is pathetic!! i always know more than my docs!! any questions, just ask!
ReplyDeleteRena, I love you and your bald head! BTW, I actually love your hair that short. You look like a pixie.
ReplyDeleteYou are still an inspiration. What did you do to lose weight in the first place? That sucks that you put all of the weight back on when you had your little one, but thats cool that you were able to have him :) Ive lost 17 lbs so far on my journey and hope to lose more.
ReplyDeleteI have an award for you on my blog my love!
ReplyDeleteJust a thought girl....I'm by NO means a doc, but have they checked your thyroid level...some of my PCOS was screwing with my Thyroid levels too! Didn't cure it, and I couldn't do anything about it until after my little one was weaned! But like I posed earlier...I'm not just your normal PCOSer...You SO ROCK!
ReplyDeleteI totally admire you and posting these pictures, and that you still feel so feminine. I truly envy you. Having PCOS, and the effects of facial hair growth and pattern baldness as well, I hate looking in the mirror lately. I wish I had your confidence.
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog here after seeing your youtube videos and completely relating to you.
ReplyDeleteYou and I are completely alike. I have the same hairloss in clumps on my head and bald spots like you. I also have the SAME facial hair just like you on my face. I pluck constantly. I just showed my husband right your pics and i am so happy to feel and see that im not the only one going through this crazy hairy, bladly stuff lol.